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Ilyosov Tursunboy

Chief Executive Officer
Phone (+998 71) 147 11 00 (111)
Fax (+998 71) 147 22 00

Born in 1993, uzbek.

Higher education.

Functional responsibilities:
  • Carries out general management of the Company's activities. In accordance with the powers granted by the Charter of the Company, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.;
  • Guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Oliy Majlis, Decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Government carry out work and organize the implementation of tasks established by the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Company;
  • Submits to the General Shareholders' Meeting and the Supervisory Board in due time reports on the results of the Company's activities, reports and other informational, statistical and analytical materials on the state of affairs pertaining to its competence;
  • Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Company, makes transactions, makes decisions within the limits of the rights granted to it, represents the interests of the Company in relations with both legal entities and individuals;
  • Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Company, makes transactions, makes decisions within the limits of the rights granted to it, represents the interests of the Company in relations with both legal entities and individuals;
  • Provides income and profits in the amount established by the Company's business development plans;
  • Manages the development of programs and business plans for the development of the Company, organizes control over their execution;
  • Ensures the organization of proper status and reliability of accounting and reporting in the Company, timely submission of the annual report and other financial statements to the relevant government bodies, as well as information about the Company's activities sent to shareholders, creditors, partners and other recipients of information entitled to according to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Takes measures to provide the Company with qualified personnel, to make the best use of the knowledge, qualifications, experience and abilities of the Company's employees;
  • Manages property, cash, securities and intangible assets of the Company, within the limits of authority granted by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and decisions of the Company's management bodies;
  • Concludes contracts and agreements, including labor contracts, except for those related to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Company;
  • Issues power of attorney;
  • Opens settlement and other accounts in banks; 
  • Appoints and dismisses employees of the Company, as well as heads of regional branches, offices, representative offices, as well as subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company;
  • Signs bills and payment orders, reports of the Company; 
  • Directly directs the work of the Internal Control Service for Countering the Legalization of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism, the Personnel Management Service, the Legal Service, and the Public Relations Service;
  • Approves the staff list of the Company, as well as subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company; 
  • Issues orders, orders and instructions, obligatory for all employees subordinate to him;
  • Exercise other rights that do not contradict the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Ensures compliance with legal requirements in the activities of the Company;
  • Responsible for the organization of the tasks assigned to him.

Reception days: Tuesday, Thursday, 10:00 - 12:00


Deputy of General Director
Phone (+998 78) 147 11 00 (222)
Born in 1989, Uzbek. Education - higher, in 2011 he graduated from the Tashkent Financial Institute, majoring in Finance (Bachelor). In 2015, he graduated from the Master of Banking and Finance Academy with a degree in Insurance.

In this position he works since November 01, 2016.

Functional responsibilities:
  • provides general guidance for practical insurance work;
  • coordinates the activities of the Department of Insurance and Regional Network Management, the Department of Compulsory Insurance, the regional branches of the Company, and ALSKOM TRANS SERVIS LLC;
  • carries out work on expanding the Company's segment in the insurance services market of the Republic and its regions, developing the capacity of regional divisions, preparing proposals for candidates for the positions of heads of branches and divisions;
  • carries out the solution of issues related to the activities of the agency network of the Company, together with the Deputy General Director for Financial Affairs, controls the process of calculating agency fees;
  • monitors the implementation of plans for insurance proceeds;
  • organizes work on the maximum use of the portfolio of insurance products;
  • organizes the solution of questions on reinsurance activity;
  • carries out activities for the organization of external relations of the Company;
  • controls the quality of the preparation of draft contracts of the Company in various areas of cooperation;
  • carries out general management of the Company's insurance portfolio;
  • signs an insurance and reinsurance contract with an insurance (reinsurance) premium of up to 50,000,000 (fifty million) soum;
  • monitors and monitors the execution of insurance contracts;
  • prepares and submits to the General Director proposals for improving the mechanism of the Company's activities;
  • carries out measures to improve the work of the Company, enhance the business skills of its employees;
  • provides preparation of materials for the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Ashirov Jalil Baxridinovich

Deputy of General Director

1987 г.р., узбек.

Образование – высшее, в 2017 году окончил Ташкентский Финансовый институт, по специальности – Страховое дело (Бакалавр). В 2020 году окончил Магистратуру Ташкентский Финансовый институт по специальности –корпоративные финансы и ценные бумаги.

В настоящей должности работает с 18 января 2021 г.

Функциональные обязанности:   

  • осуществляет общее руководство по реализации финансово-инвестиционной политики Компании;
  • контролирует и обеспечивает исполнение нормативов платежеспособности, установленных уполномоченными государственными органами Республики Узбекистан;
  • обеспечивает разработку и реализацию мер по обеспечению финансовой устойчивости Компании;
  • организует управление движением финансовых ресурсов Компании и регулирование финансовых отношений в целях наиболее эффективного использования всех видов финансовых ресурсов Компании и получения максимальной прибыли;
  • координирует работы по проведению анализа финансово-экономического состояния Компании (анализа бухгалтерской отчетности, расчета нормативов платежеспособности);
  • ;контролирует и обеспечивает расчет и мониторинг исполнения нормативов, установленных государственными органами;
  • организует исследование и анализ затрат с целью определения политики управления издержками, контролирует соответствие осуществляемых платежей утвержденному бизнес-плану Компании;
  • контролирует составление и исполнение сметы затрат на содержание региональных филиалов Компании, анализирует эффективность деятельности региональных филиалов и отделений Компании и вносит предложения руководству Компании по итогам анализа.


Deputy of General Director
Phone (+998 78) 147 11 00 (600)

Born in 1983, koreys. Education - Higher, in 2005 graduated from Tashkent State Economic University (Masters Degree).

In this position he has been working since 2019.

Functional responsibilities:
  • is the head of the Department for Perspective Projects and External Relations and coordinates the activities of the Department of Insurance Reserves and Reinsurance, as well as the Public Relations Service;
  • carries out general management of work on external relations, including public relations, investment, reinsurance, development and implementation of promising areas;
  • coordinates the formation of insurance reserves;
  • supervises and ensures the calculation and monitoring of the implementation of standards established by state bodies within their authority;
  • ensures the maintenance of insurance statistics and the timely submission of insurance reports to the appropriate authorities;
  • manages the development and implementation of the Company's investment policy;
  • monitors the implementation of the Company's investment policy, makes proposals for its adjustment;
  • organization of contacts with international, foreign, financial and economic organizations in the field of investment, insurance, reinsurance on external cooperation.

Rahimov Zohidbek Ismailjanovich

Deputy of General Director

1985 г.р., узбек.

Образование – высшее, в 2008 году окончил Наманганский политехнический институт (Бакалавр). Сертификаты: 2011 г. Налоговая ассоциация; 2018 г. Сертификат Научно-образовательного центра корпоративного управления «Механизмы и реализация принципов корпоративного управления»; 2021 г. Высшая школа бизнеса и предпринимательства при Министерстве экономического развития и сокращения бедности.

В настоящей должности работает с 2021 г.

Функциональные обязанности:

  • Является руководителем Департамента «Страховой методологии, бренд менеджмента и маркетинга» и координирует деятельность Департамента «Корпоративных отношений с акционерами», Департамента «Страхования информационных рисков», Управления делами Компании;
  • Осуществляет разработку и внедрение новых перспективных проектов;
  • Осуществляет решение вопросов по рекламной политике Компании;
  • Осуществляет контроль выполнения задач стратегического маркетинга;
  • Представляет интересы Компании в государственных органах и коммерческих организациях;
  • Заключает договоры и переписку с организациями, учреждениями и предприятиями в пределах своей компетенции (по направлению координатора) по согласованию с Генеральным директором;
  • Курирует Департамент «Бренд-менеджмента и маркетинга», Департамент цифровизации страховых услуг, ООО “ALSKOM TRANS SERVIS”.
  • Организует управление имуществом Компании, назначает материально ответственных лиц;
  • Осуществляет подготовку материалов для Наблюдательного совета и общих собраний акционеров Компании;
  • Реализует мероприятия по совершенствованию деятельности компании, повышению деловых навыков сотрудников.