On October 11, 2014, a meeting of the Board of Directors of IC “ALSKOM” was held following the results of 9 months of 2014. The meeting reviewed the results of the income support activities, the settlement of insurance claims and other issues related to the activities of regional branches.
Joint-stock company Insurance company «ALSKOM» constantly demonstrates high growth rates of performance indicators. So the first half of this year was no exception. In a competitive environment in the national insurance market, the company takes measures to develop its activities and thus seeks to retain its leading positions.
On May 21, in Tashkent, within the framework of the VII International Investment and Financial Forum, there was a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the public insurance premium “Oltin Soyabon” (“Golden Umbrella”) as well as in the sphere of banking and leasing activities “Oltin Portfolio” (“Gold Portfolio”) .
On April 18, 2014, a meeting of the Board of Directors of IC ALSKOM OJSC was held in accordance with the results of the first quarter of 2014. The meeting reviewed the results of activities to ensure insurance proceeds, the settlement of insurance claims, as well as other issues relating to the activities of the Company's regional branches.
January 18, 2013 in the Insurance Company "ALSKOM" a training seminar was held on the topic "Issues of effective organization of work of the regional network of the insurance company". A business coach from Ukraine, Ph.D., director of the Center for business strategies "PERSPECTIVE" V. Nechiporenko was invited to conduct a training seminar.
18 января 2013 года в Страховой Компании “ALSKOM” прошел семинар-тренинг на тему "Вопросы эффективной организации работы региональной сети страховой компании". Для проведения семинар-тренинга был специально приглашен бизнес-тренер из Украины, к.э.н., директор Центра бизнес-стратегий "ПЕРСПЕКТИВА" Нечипоренко В.И.